Banking & Finance Solutions
Financial organizations look for innovative ways to attract customers and new business, serve existing clients more effectively, reduce costs, increase profits, prevent fraud, and meet regulatory compliance issues. These goals can be achieved by using our solution to replace paper with digital documents that are easily searched, accessed, managed, and processed.

Leverage enterprise capture for document driven processes.
Replace traditional paper with digital documents that are easily searched, accessed, managed and processed.
Solution Benefits
Lower Costs
Our solution saves the costs of storing, processing, and classifying paper documents manually by automating data entry and categorization, and standardizing document capture processes.
Automated Support
Analyze incoming claims by meaning to provide the client with the most helpful solution in hand or route a problem to people in charge.
Higher Business Efficiency
Streamline and automate daily operations such as opening accounts, credit card application management, and loan and mortgage processing.
Regulatory Compliance
The solution helps ensure regulatory compliance, save money and protect an institution’s reputation with the power to trace data, assign data confidentiality levels based on meaning, complete full audits, and detect and prevent fraud.
Better, Faster Customer Service
Capture documents at point of entry and accelerate customer service by using ABBYY solutions’ easy-to-use Web interface for scanning and verification.
Replace traditional paper with digital documents that are easily searched, accessed, managed and processed.
Usage Scenarios
Proactive Client Support
Classify incoming claims automatically to eliminate manual work, provide solutions faster and drive customer satisfaction.
Smart Compliance
Automatic unstructured data classification helps to assign documents with content-aware removal rules for compliance and storage optimization.
Mortgage Loan Processing
Document and data capture can make the entire process more efficient: from early capture of mortgage applications and classification of supporting documents to the export of data to relevant back-end processes.
Opening of New Accounts
Automates the opening of bank accounts so institutions can eliminate costly and error-prone manual work, ensure high-quality data and shorten the overall process.
Credit Card Application Processing
Reduces expensive, time-consuming, labor-intensive manual data entry with automated capture, classification and extraction of customer information.
Archiving Financial Documents
Automates the processing of financial documents, and the organization and archiving of client files.
Check Fraud Prevention / Risk Management
Improves fraud prevention by optimizing the validation and proof of financial documents. Can integrate signature comparison to further ensure the legal validity of documents.
Unstructured Document Review and Analysis
Unearths valuable facts from unstructured documents and optimizes the tedious review of complex documents – contracts, applications, agreements and other customer data.
Customer Experience Sharing
Bank La Caisse d’Epargne Bretagne-Pays de Loire uses ABBYY Flexicapture to process 22,000 loan applications.